Today, modern enterprises have to rely on third party contractors that provide them with skilled and unskilled workers, helping them meet their specific one time or regular manpower needs. Number of contractors and workers depend on an organization’s size, location and functional diversity. Traditional methods of managing multiple contractors and their large workforce can expose the organization to safety, legal and financial leakages. Such organizations need a comprehensive solution that not only automates and streamlines contract workers management processes but also enhances legal and safety accountability while eliminating inefficiencies.
Matrix COSEC Contract Workers Management (CWM) solution is specifically designed for large organizations to help them manage all their contract workers management processes. COSEC CWM covers Planning, Work Order, Enrolment, Worker Induction, E-pass, Time-Attendance and Access Control. COSEC CWM collects workers’ entry-exit events from COSEC biometric and RFID card based devices to calculate their work hours based on the organization’s pre-defined attendance policies and send this data to ERP and payroll.
Matrix COSEC CWM allows managers and contractors to improve labor productivity and enhance operational efficiency, bringing down overall cost.

Key Features
Profile Creation
- Contractor Profile
- Create Contractor’s Profile with Details
- Create Multiple Work Types and Assign to Contractors
Worker Enrolment
- Worker Enrolment
- Supports Identification Credentials for Multiple Workers
- Workers Enroled when Entering the Site or Pre-enroled from the
Head Office
Worker Pass Creation
- Creation at the Entrance or in Advance by Respective Contractor
- Variety of Passes based on Worker Profile, Location, Department, etc.
Work Orders Management
- Create Work Orders and Assign them to Contractors
- Track Status of Work Orders from a Single Window
- Worker Time-Attendance
- Create multiple Time-Attendance Policies
- Manage Shift-Schedules and Overtime
Blacklist Worker
- Store Data of Blacklisted Workers
- Prevents Blacklisted Workers from Entering Premises
- Seamless Integration with Third Party Payroll
- Multiple Methods for Direct Integration
Worker Profile
- Create and Manage Worker Profile with Details
- Generate Reports in Government Prescribed Formats
Worker Induction
- Create Multiple Induction Levels
- Link to Work Orders and Approving Authorities (Managers)
Contractor Web Portal
- Check Assigned Work Orders and Track its Status
- Add New Workers and Update their Profiles
- Overview of Work Orders and Worker Status from a Single Window
- Information of Work Order Status, Active Contractor Detail, Workers’
Attendance Summary, etc.
Access Control
- Prevents Unauthorized Entry in Pre-defined Areas and Routes
- Advanced Access Control Features
- Instant SMS and Email Notifications to Contractors, Workers and
Admin - Notifications for Exceptional Events
Report Generation
- Generate Various Reports and Charts
- Import Database
- Import Contractor Data
- Import Work Order and Other Related Information